Men Connecting

A Men’s Group

If you identify as a man and you...

...feel like you could be getting more from your relationships;

...wish you had more access to your feelings;

...feel alone in your life—even if you’ve got people all around you;

...have a hard time asking for help.

This just might be the place for you.

In Men Connecting we come together to . . .

  • Build community. 

  • Tap into our own wisdom and receive the wisdom of others. 

  • Engage in ongoing healing work where we receive and offer support.

  • Build relationships with other men on similar and diverse paths.

  • Experience and work with the dynamics that come from opening up to and bumping up against other people’s “stuff”.

  • Hold space for and be held by others who are on a shared journey of deconstructing the conditioning of rugged individualism and isolation.

  • Uncover and unpack shame, isolation, fear, anger, and other obstacles to a fully lived experience.

Here’s what you get:

  • Ongoing weekly 2-hour meetings online (via Zoom…what else?).

  • Access to a Google Group that helps keep the group and individuals connected usefully. (Expect a response from me within 24 hours). 

  • The chance to develop real relationships with other men. 

  • A space to practice shifting your relationship dynamics, as well as stepping out onto your growing edge

  • The opportunity to offer and receive support from other men who are living lives both similar and different than yours, as well as holding diverse perspectives.

Your commitment:

  • You commit to regular attendance each week. Of course, life happens—so you also commit to letting the group know in advance if you can’t make it.

  • You commit to speaking for yourself and asking before giving advice.

  • You commit to being present with the group. This includes turning off all distractions that aren’t totally necessary. It also includes not consuming mind-altering substances prior to or during group.

  • You commit to doing your best—to showing up for yourself and others to the best of your ability.

I ask men first joining to commit to a minimum of three months to fully connect to the power of this group.

Interested? Schedule a free call to see if this group is for you.


It’s important to me that this space be accessible to as many men as possible. For this reason, I offer three different levels at which men can invest. All three tiers have the same access to the group, the emails, connections with myself, and any other offerings that are associated with Men Connecting. The three tiers are:

Tier One: “I’m In!” ($125 per month)

This is the tier for you if it's an amount that feels like an investment but won't keep you up at night (I don't want you to break the bank...for sure let me know if even this is out of reach!).

Tier Two: “Shoulder-to-Shoulder” ($250 per month)

Think of this as the 'standard' tier. Please select this tier if you can afford it and it feels like an investment.

Tier Three: “I Got Ya!” ($375 per month)

This tier helps make Men Connecting truly accessible. If you have the resources for this tier, you get to help another man be present. How awesome is that?

How do you choose? Here’s what I suggest: what level feels like a true investment to you, but doesn’t break the bank? What level can you afford that would make you feel truly in, but doesn’t keep you up at night? Those who can pay at the higher levels help make it possible for everyone to be able to attend. And for those for whom Tier One is out of reach, don’t let that stop you. Hit me up. I’m sure we can work something out.

What are you waiting for? Schedule that free call.