Organizational Coaching for Leaders, Teams, & Individuals

How do we show up as who we actually are while still being effective in our work?

What’s the gap between how we’re doing things now and how we have to do things to be effective?

Who do we need to be in order to do our work in the most impactful way? 

As a coach and facilitator, I support leaders and teams in having the conversations they need to have—for greater clarity, self-discovery, and, ultimately, effectiveness.

As a leader, does any of this sound familiar?

  • You don’t really trust yourself in your role. You’re not as comfortable and confident as you’d like to be, or had hoped to be by now.

  • You’re not quite sure how to create a work environment that makes space for the complexities of human relationships while still getting work done.

  • All the things you’ve learned about leading teams and managing people don't seem to be effective anymore and you’re not sure how to approach it differently.

  • You don’t want to treat anyone like a cog in a wheel, but at the same time there are deadlines, responsibilities, and things that need to get done.

  • You feel like you’re alone in your work and that you don’t have a lot of people to talk to about it.

  • You understand that personal issues arise in the workplace, but you also somewhat resent it. You find yourself asking, “Why can’t we just do our work?”

  • The world seems to be changing around you really quickly and you’re not sure what your place is in it anymore. You’re afraid you might be becoming obsolete.

  • "Cancel culture" seems to loom over your head and you’re afraid that you’re going to say the wrong thing or make a misstep that could end your career, not to mention ruin your life and your legacy.

How about your team?

  • Do you get the feeling that there are some conversations that they need to have but you don’t quite know what exactly those are or how to facilitate them?

  • Are they as collaborative, communicative, or effective as you’d like them to be?

  • Does your team have a history of unresolved conflict that now exists as tension in the room and you’re not sure how to support them in getting to the other side of it?

  • Have they been struggling with fluctuations in the organization—whether it be staff shuffling, industry changes, or the regular ups and downs of business?

  • Do you find that there’s a lack of alignment and understanding among team members around what their individual roles are?

  • Are things going really well—you’re firing on all cylinders—but you want to ensure that it stays that way, even when the inevitable hard times arrive?

How do we create an environment that’s rich, nurturing, alive, and satisfying for ourselves and the people we lead?

What I know for sure is that we don’t do it by simply treating people as labor—we do it by caring for them. 

In the current way we structure our organizations, leaders are the ones who set the tone and have the capacity to help create environments that make it worth going there everyday. 

However, the more I work with teams and organizations, the less interested in the idea of leadership I’ve become. To me, it reinforces our culture’s fixation on individualism.

We think we’ve got to be the person who’s going to fix things instead of tapping into collective wisdom.

In reality, a leader is just a team member with a leadership hat on. 

It’s not all on your shoulders.

Here’s the thing . . .

When people have the conversations they need to have, meaningful connections happen, relationships deepen, and it allows coworkers to not just be collegiate, but to actually hold space for conflict, which is necessary for true effectiveness. 

When people build real connections and relationships in the workplace, it fosters meaning, purpose, and investment in the work, which leads to teams that actually support each other. 

If you take away titles, labels, roles, and levels of responsibility, authority, and power that exist in any room of coworkers, you’re left with a room of human beings sitting around a table. 

What do human beings sitting around a table do besides build relationships with one another? 

How we live, work, and experience the world is rooted in beliefs, conditioning, education, and the culture we were raised in, all of which may or may not be true.  

We need to see what our beliefs even are so we can name them, own them, and understand the internal and external obstacles that are in our way.

I help you develop practices that change behaviors and beliefs to reframe our understanding of what’s possible.

Effectiveness is great, really. But let’s not lose sight of the fact that you live one life (and so does your team) and you spend a significant percentage of it at work.

Wouldn’t it be great to find a way to make work an experience that serves us so that we can live our lives to the fullest extent possible?.

The U.S. is currently experiencing a labor shortage because people are tired of being abused by employers and the public. 

But on a deeper level, people are asking themselves why they’re doing what they do and who it’s really serving. Perhaps you are too.

Coaching for Individual Leaders (and Future Leaders)

Coaching is a highly personalized process. I believe it’s important to honor both the process and the destination. We’ll work together to determine the best approach to helping you continue to grow into the best version of yourself.

What you get:

  • Weekly 60-minute coaching sessions (I’m open to finding the right cadence for your needs, but I always ask for at least a three month commitment to ensure that the work really sticks.)

  • Access to a secure messaging platform to stay in touch as you need (Expect a response from me within 24 hours). 

  • One 15-minute spot coaching session per month, outside of our regularly scheduled calls, on an as-needed basis

  • A tailored plan and process. (I don’t have a set coaching process, it is custom to your experience and needs). 

  • Homework, exercises, practices, and inquiries, that are tailored specifically to your needs.

What you can expect from coaching

  • The story of who you are as a leader and what it means to be in this position will be clearer for you.

  • Your capacity to navigate the challenges of interpersonal dynamics will increase.

  • You’ll have a greater capacity to be in discomfort and challenge.

  • You will have a deeper sense of confidence in the kind of leader you are.

  • You will enhance your ability to support your people while also helping them achieve necessary outcomes.

  • You’ll develop greater clarity around where you’re headed in your role and your career as a whole.

  • You will feel a greater sense of alignment and cohesion between who you are, what you do, and how you do it.

Sound like something you could use?

Book a free call and let’s see if we’d be a good fit.

Team Coaching

You can read more about Team Elements here.

There are a number of different ways to enter working with Team Elements, but once we’re in, we go down the path that your team needs to go down. And there’s no one better to know what that is than, well, your team.

This approach to team coaching often includes*:

  • Interviews with all team members

  • A Team Elements awareness building and kickoff session to collectively begin our work together

  • Use of the Team Elements survey to collect tam data

  • A half-day Insights Lab to review the data and identify the place(s) to work

  • Anywhere from 1 to ?? Impact Labs to dive into the work together—how many and when will depend on your team’s particular needs and goals.

  • Support for individual team members is also an option

*What you’re team may be completely different. Let’s figure out what the path forward for you looks like together.

Looking to learn more about how I can help you and your team take the next step?

Set up a free call to see if we’re a good fit.

Like individuals, every team is unique unto itself. We spend a lot of time at work on teams and often spend very little time paying attention to the team as an entity—which it is. There are a lot of approaches out there that promise that they have the map you need to get your particular team where it needs to go. I’m not so sure about that.

That’s why I use (and am certified in) Team Elements®—a data-driven approach developed by Ben Bratt that meets every team in the very place that they find themselves at a given moment. Team Elements uses research-based tools and skilled facilitation to deliver measurable improvement in team effectiveness.

This work is for you if…

  • You feel like there has to be a better way to show up and to do things but you don’t know what it is. 

  • You’re tired of having to be the one who figures it all out on your own.

  • You feel like you’ve hit the saturation point of what you know how to do and you need help to cross over into where you’re trying to go and where you’re trying to take your team.

  • You want to create an environment that is energizing, meaningful, and uplifting for your people

  • You want people to experience work as a place that’s satisfying and fun and about more than a paycheck

  • You want to create more memories and experiences that you’ll look back on on your deathbed.

  • You care about the impact that you have in the world and want to do more good and cause less harm.

  • You want your team to have more of a stake in the process, being more directly engaged in leading themselves and feeling a sense of ownership.

  • You want your team to really be a team, rather than just a group of individuals.

This work is not for you if…

  • Your only goal is to get more out of your people or improve the bottom line.

  • You want things to be like they were “before”.

  • You’re trying to make anything “great again.”

  • Your measure of success is just what’s in it for you.

  • You’re  looking for silver bullets and easy answers

  • You’re looking for a cookie-cutter “3, 5, 7, or 11 step” plan.

  • You’re just looking to repair your reputation without actually doing the work of introspection and understanding your impact on others 

  • You’re trying to get “them” to change or see things your way.